Monday, September 22, 2008

HimnI, Baptism & BBQ...

This past weekend was a jammed packed one for me.

HimnI finally kicked off for the fall semester. This is a monthly worship gathering for college students & young adults in New Orleans that I serve with.

We had a great turn out for the first one.

This semester's theme is Prayer, in the sense that prayer should lead us to action. I'm sure that I will write more about this over the next few months.

Saturday about 34 people from Vintage went out in the community to serve by doing trash pick up, passing out waters and helping people move. While I was walking around I received a huge compliment. We all wear the same green shirts and pass out water bottles with green labels (see photo from an earlier post). A man working on a house yelled at me and said "Hey, you are one of those 'water people'." If only all churches would be known for their ministry and not as hypocrites. How different America & the world would be.

My church Vintage also had a big day on Sunday as we baptized seven people after our morning worship service. Sunday September 28, 2008 is our official public launch. Less than one week away.

We thought about having a pool after, but instead we had a cook out with burgers, dogs, chicken legs and sausage. It was very good.

In these two pictures is Rob and James, a guy that recently gave his life to Christ this summer.

I praise God for the work that he has already done to this point and look forward to all that He has in store for us at Vintage.

Oh that He may get all the honor and glory!

I encourage you to look for where God is working in your city and drive in by getting involved. There is nothing like doing the work of our God, its thrilling and exciting.

Desiring to Proclaim His Holy Name!

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