Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mardi Gras Sunday 2012 Report

Our Mardi Gras Sunday this year for the Uptown Sunday parades might have been the best so far since we began in 2009. One of our church partners, Temple, brought 100 volunteers to serve alongside Vintage. I'm especially thankful for Pastor Philip Slusher, the mission pastor, for bringing these families who were so excited to serve our city. I also want to especially thank Matt O, Mikey P, Craig, Lenny, Josh and Alex from Vintage Church for their service during the day.

We gave:
  • 1,500 sausage dogs
  • 600 burgers
  • 1,200+ bottles of water w the Vintage information
  • Tons of potato chips
  • Clean toilet for every use [Yes there were individuals who cleaned after every flush]
We served:
  • 236 registered
  • 109 follow-up letters were sent
  • 160 follow-up emails were sent
Now these numbers are just statistics if not understood to represent individuals, couples and families in our city that came in contact with Vintage Church. Maybe there are two other figures that would help communicate this opportunity:
  • 167 of 236 who registered indicated they had never heard of Vintage Church
  • 79 of 236 who registered indicated they have no involvement in a local church

Our challenge:
We are following up with those who registered this Sunday with letters, emails and phone calls. We ultimately served on Sunday with the hope that God would bring Gospel fruit in individual's lives as a result. Our prayer is that those who came in contact with Vintage Church experienced the difference of Jesus Christ. As a result of our hospitality, service, love and care we pray that people will connect with Vintage Church. Acts 13 tells us that Paul and Barnabas travel to different cities and served people. In one instance, as a result of their love towards others, the Bible says "The next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord." [Acts 13:44] When I read that I say....Wow! May the Lord work in such a way this week in New Orleans.

So here's our challenge this Sunday when we gather as Vintage Church in Metairie and Uptown there will not be a small army of volunteers to greet, welcome and connect with the new guests. Uptown averages about 5 new guests per weekend. Instead this weekend will be the time for Vintage Church to BE the church in New Orleans.

My encouragement:
  • Pray God will work in hearts over the next 3 days as people receive follow-up. [Use Mark 4:1-20 as a guide]
  • Come to our gatherings early
  • Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading in relation to those sitting on your row
  • Engage those who gather this weekend
  • Be expectant that God truly wants to work through you

Live the Gospel, Love the City, BE the Church

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