Thursday, December 25, 2008

Professed My Love to My Beautiful Bride...

Over our seven great years of dating there is not any other night that has been more special to Sarah and I than Christmas Eve. So deciding when to propose was a no brainer for me.

The night started with a present at Maymee's house for "The Princess of the Night," inside: rose pedals, a digital recorder, old photos and a CD. Sarah left and went to several spots that were important to us in our first year of dating (2001-2002). At the high school there was a rose which symbolized our past. The final stop was her church, which is where I was at. We looked through our yearbooks from 2001 & 2002. This was our "past": young, no idea but crazy about each other.

Our "present" was short as we watched a short video when I was recently joking with her. I gave her a rose to symbolize our present.

Then I walked her into the sanctuary and to the altar. We stood and talked for awhile. I fulfilled Sarah's request by professing my love for her as my girlfriend and my desire to have her be my wife for the rest of our lives. Then I pulled out the last rose which symbolized the future, tied to the rose was the ring. Thankfully she said yes with tears coming down her eyes. We hugged, kissed and she had a grin from ear to ear.

Then I explained that I was glad that we would become a family, but both of us would build off our own individual family's foundation. For this reason I was happy to tell her that the diamond that she would wear was Maymee's diamond that she had worn. This is her 90 year old Grandmother that has been a great role model and example in Sarah's life, both practically and spiritually. She was speechless and really really cried tears of great joy. Personally this was the highlight of the night that I had been waiting to get to. This diamond is the most gorgeous diamond in the whole wide world.

She then opened her Christmas present from me, a ESV Journaling Bible with "Sarah E. Brichetto" engraved on the cover. I have also selected Psalm 67 to be our family's prayer for life. (This concept is seen in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 with the Israelite families.) We read it together for the first time, with millions more times to come, then we bowed and prayed over each other. This time of prayer on my knees was my second most favorite part.

From there we went to the fellowship hall and danced to Jazz music as a newly engaged couple, this was practice for the Spring. Our two families joined us @ 10pm to hear the story and see the ring. Then we all worshipped @ the 11pm Christmas Eve Service at Asbury.

Maymee loved the way that the diamond looked.

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